Q-Stream™ is a unique, DVB-NIP-compliant service which supports live streaming and content delivery over broadcast satellite and terrestrial networks. It is available as both a cloud-based or premises-based and provides the operator with a highly cost-effective solution.

At the head end sits a Q-Stream™ MABR/DVB-NIP server which features open-standard interfaces for seamless integration with origin or CDN servers, DVB-MPE/GSE encapsulators, and DVB-S2/S2X modulators. Reception is via the Q-Stream™ gateway receivers and the Inverto Q-Stream™ mobile player applications which are compatible with smartphones, smart TVs, and Android TV STBs.

The Q-Stream™ solution is compliant with the following protocols:

This service facilitates the broadcast of live or VoD MPEG-DASH and HLS streams, as well as various other file types. These broadcasts are received by Q-Stream™ gateways and subsequently streamed to end-user devices over Wi-Fi or 5G networks.

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